Furcas -Demon Knight of the Night
Demon of the Night – Knight Furcas (Night Demon)
Dates: August 2nd – August 11th (Connolly)(Tikaboo)(Night Time)
Alternate Dates: November 28th – December 2nd (Runyon)
Direction: East
Tarot: 6 of Wands
Planet: Saturn
Metal: Lead
Element: Air (Under Goap)
Color: Black
Plant: Cinquefoil
Incense: Myrrh
Zodiac: Leo
Demonic Enn: Secore on ca Furcas remie
Original text from the Ars Goetia:
“The Fiftieth Spirit is Furcas. He is a Knight, and appeareth in the Form of a Cruel Old Man with a long Beard and a hoary Head, riding upon a pale-coloured Horse, with a Sharp Weapon in his hand. His Office is to teach the Arts of Philosophy, Astrology, Rhetoric, Logic, Cheiromancy, and Pyromancy, in all their parts, and perfectly. He hath under his Power 20 Legions of Spirits. His Seal, or Mark, is thus made, etc.”
From Tikaboo
“He is a Knight, and appeareth in the Form of a Cruel Old Man with a long Beard and a hoary Head, riding upon a pale-coloured Horse, with a Sharp Weapon in his hand. His Office is to teach the Arts of Philosophy, Astrology, Rhetoric, Logic, Cheiromancy, and Pyromancy, in all their parts, and perfectly. He hath under his Power 20 Legions of Spirits.”
From the Luciferian Goetia by Michael Ford
“He carries a very sharp sword in hand and appears in the evocation circle as an aggressive and fiery shade. Furcas teaches the arts of Cheiromancy (Palmistry), Pyromancy (the art of Fire) and logic/philosophy. This spirit governs 20 Legions and is very useful to the sorcerer on the ensorcelling of the spirits of fire, being the elementals of Set-an or Azazel. “
From the Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly
“Work with Furcas when learning to read Natal Charts, palms, or learning all types of clairvoyant skills (includes all forms of skrying, not just pyromancy). Note that Furcas takes his arte very seriously and expects those who seek him to do the same. If you are not serious, expect a stern “smack down”.”
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